Trenchant or Trenchfoot

Baby Louie

What at first glance is yet another Baby Louie poop strip becomes much more insightful when you realize that the author “Frink” is possibly the greatest political cartoonist since Nast(y), Hoest, or Trudeau.

You see Louie and his new friend are the current front runners for the presidency. Just like aforementioned candidates, they are incontinent and wear big baggy diapers. Like Louie we’d all like to crawl away from the current climate into the next strip. Sadly, just like America, the next strip over happens to be a very special panel of Cock ‘N’ Balls!

Inauguration Day

George Basset

As enumerated in the US Constitution, on January 20, we must inaugurate a new comic.  This year it is George Basset the Anti-Semite hound.  Seems like the US will now have a lack of overt racism and evil flowing from the head of government,  so GB (George Bush?) rushes in to fill the void.  Thankkks democracy! 

Roe vs. Kanye

Kanye goes campaigning

Baby Louie

All you College Dropouts, make sure you are not Late Registration for voting or you might not be able to cast for Yeezus.

Please remember, whenever someone tells you “I don’t care who you vote for, just vote.” What they’re really saying is “If you’re not going to vote the way I want you to, please don’t vote.”

#TrumpHarris2020 #BidenPence2020 #KanyeHanks2020